Friday, September 16, 2011

Unit 7 Test

To view and complete the unit 7 Test, click on the following link:

Once you open the link, simply make a copy of the test, (under File) write the test on your copy, and when you are done, press on File again, rename the document with your name please, then share it with me, Erin Carrasco

the test is due by noon tomorrow so take your time and make sure to read the instructions for each part carefully!!!

Thank you and good luck!!

Have a great weekend!! :)


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday Sept 16: Unit 7 Review: Now in Teacher Resources, not on my blog.

Hello all!!

I hope you can make it to my very important review day this Friday.

If you cannot for any reason, please make sure to do the review which is now posted in Teacher Resources, Unit 7: Click on the links and do on-line exercise which review Noun Clauses as well as Quoted/Reported Speech.

Other important points: Make sure you review:
-The 3 types on Noun Clauses and word order in all of them: Subject is ALWAYS followed by verb in a Noun clause
-Rephrasing questions so they contain noun clauses
-Quoted Speech: using the appropriate verb (said, asked, told, screamed,begged, complained,etc)
-Changing Quoted speech to Reported Speech-remember to change the subject, to ensure subject comes before the verb and to discard do/does/did & change the verb in the sentence accordingly
-Changing Reported speech back to Quoted speech

That's all! Have a great night and see you tomorrow :)

Teacher's Notes: Grammar 7-3 & 7-4

To view the Teacher's notes from class on Grammar 7-3 & 7-4, click on the link:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Teacher's Notes: Grammar 6-3 & 6-4

For coloured notes on Grammar points in 6-3 and 6-4, click on the following link:


Please complete Grammar 6-1, Ex #2 for homework. You do not have to complete Ex #3.

Also!...start your essay or your presentation for Unit 6: Use Wikipedia as your main source of information.

Be careful not to copy from Wikipedia word for word, this is called plagiarism and it is illegal! If you do, you will receive a 0 for your assignment. Simply re-word the information: Put it into your own words or simplify the information.

ASSIGNMENT: You can choose between writing an essay or doing a presentation on Google Docs on one of the subjects proposed in Reading & Writing: Unit 6 Essay
- Presentations will be happening some time after the break on Friday.
-Essays will be due on the weekend.

See you tomorrow!! :)

Teacher's Notes: Grammar 6-1: Adjective Clauses

For colored class notes on grammar 6-1 A & B, click on the following link